What's new on CPAN - July 2017
Welcome to “What’s new on CPAN”, a curated look at last month’s new CPAN uploads for your reading and programming pleasure. Enjoy!
APIs & Apps
- WebService::CastleIO is a client for the identity theft protection service
- Get a simple Perl wrapper around the League of Legends API WWW::RiotGames::LeagueOfLegends
- WebService::IFConfig::Client is a client for the IP geo-location site
Config & Devops
- Validate YAML Front Matter with TidyAll using Code::TidyAll::Plugin::YAMLFrontMatter
- List the contents of a directory with Dir::ls
- File::ShareDir::Dist can locate per-dist shared files
- RL is an alternative to Term::Readline modules, providing an interface to the machine’s readline library on Linux and MacOS
- Sort version strings as in GNU filevercmp with Sort::filevercmp
- Several new Alien::Build plugins:
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::Prompt to prompt a user before downloading tarballs
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Fetch::Rewrite to override destinations to local network paths for fetching
- Alien::Build::Plugin::Decode::SourceForge to better handle SourceForge links
- Geo::GNS::Parser can parse a GNS data file (GeoNET Names Server data)
- Get a Perl extension for the libtiff library using Graphics::TIFF
- JsonSQL is similar to SQL::Abstract: it defines a JSON format to represent SQL queries which can be validated and then used to generate SQL syntax
- Nonblocking MySQL connections via libmariadbclient with MariaDB::NonBlocking
- Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract can generate cypher queries in Perl
- Create and modify PDFs using PDF::Builder
- PGObject::Util::Replication::Standby manages PG replication standbys
- Get a simple Postgresql-backed queue with Pg::Queue
- Two new DynamoDB helpers that translate DynamoDB documents into Perl data structures and vice-versa:
- Net::Amazon::DynamoDB::Marshaler translates Perl hashrefs into DynamoDb format and vice versa
- PawsX::DynamoDB::DocumentClient a simplified way of working with AWS DynamoDB items that uses Paws under the hood
- Write fake AWS services using Paws and PawsX::FakeImplementation::Instance
- Paws::Net::MultiplexCaller can route AWS service requests to other callers
Development & Version Control
- Create lexical aliases under different versions of Perl (except 5.20) using Alias::Any
- AnyEvent::Consul::Exec can execute commands across a Consul cluster
- CLI::Osprey - write command line apps with Moo(se) classes
- MooseX::DIC is a dependency injector for Moose
Language & International
- Calendar::Julian is a pretty Julian calendar implementation
Science & Mathematics
- LinAlg::Vector is a Moose-based vector library
- Physics::Ballistics provides utility functions for projectile calculations
- Use immutable segment trees with Set::SegmentTree
- Extract data from Google Analytics using Mojo::GoogleAnalytics
- Mojo::UserAgent::Cached adds caching to Mojo::UserAgent
This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com.
David Farrell
David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.
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